Harry potter and order of phoenix book random facts
Harry potter and order of phoenix book random facts

harry potter and order of phoenix book random facts harry potter and order of phoenix book random facts

The Longbottoms, Prewetts, Shacklebolts, and Weasleys all belonged to the Sacred Twenty-Eight. While their pure-blood status seems perfect for Voldemort's agenda, many members of the Order actually belonged to the Sacred Twenty-Eight. The Sacred Twenty-Eight were twenty-eight magical families considered to truly be pure-blooded as of the 1930s. 12 Kingsley Shacklebolt And Nymphadora Tonks Were Secret Members The lack of an alliance between the Order and the Ministry facilitated Voldemort's army's access at taking complete control of the Ministry during the Second Wizarding War. Scrimgeour didn't help these dynamics through his constant suspicions and distrust of Dumbledore, even after his death. The indisputable proof of Voldemort's return and the replacement of Rufus Scrimgeour as Minister of Magic didn't really affect the nature of the relationship due to a great deal of distrust and isolation being already sown between the Order and Ministry. First of all, Cornelius Fudge's persistent denial of Voldemort's return prevented any alliance. The relationship between the Order and Ministry during the Second Wizarding War is rather well-known, but another matter entirely. This led to Aurors such as Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody joining the Order, which helped greatly in some of the Order's most secretive and critical missions. Despite being perceived as a radical group, the Ministry recognized the Order's value and teamed up with them to combat Riddle's army during the First Wizarding War. The Order and the Ministry were allies during the First, but not the Second Wizarding War. 15 Many Considered The Order A Radical Group Here are 15 Things You Didn't Know About The Order Of The Phoenix. Although they lived and fought through both the First and Second Wizarding Wars, certain characters could not be part of the Order both times. The Order's relationship with the Ministry of Magic and the larger magical world was even more delicate than many realized. The First Order-not to be confused with the villains from the Star Wars trilogy-faced challenges but also had advantages when fighting the Dark Lord the first time around challenges and advantages that would change for the Second Order when Tom Riddle returned to power. Not everything is as straightforward as audiences might believe it to be, though. Learning from the past and faced with new challenges, they once again fought and defeated Voldemort's army, but not without their share of casualties. At the end of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, rising from the ashes much like their namesake, the Order of the Phoenix was born again under Dumbledore's direction. The secret society was integral to defeating the evil lord at the cost of losing many of their members. In order to combat Voldemort and his followers, Albus Dumbledore created the Order of the Phoenix during the First Wizarding War.

Harry potter and order of phoenix book random facts